little sunshine banner

Eligibility 參賽資格:

Chinese speaking kids of any ethnic background aged between 4 and 12 (age as of the date of the Finale), and not the immediate family of an employee of Fairchild Radio or the co-organizers of Little Sunshine
4 至 12 歲能說華語的小朋友(以決賽日計),並非加拿大中文電台及協辦機構員工之家屬

Things You Need for Application 報名所需資料:

  • Completed Entry Form 填妥報名表格
    (Please have a legal guardian fill out the Guardian Information section of the Entry Form
  • A recent full body Photo of contestant 參賽者全身近照一張
  • Entry Fee $15* (plus tax) 報名費 $15*(加稅)

* Entry fee and photo are non-returnable 報名費及照片恕不退還

Deadline 截止日期:

October 4, 2024 (Friday)

Date of Audition 面試日期:

October 8, 2024 (Tuesday)
Contestant will be notified about the time of audition 參賽者將獲個別通知面試時間

Finale 決賽日期:

November 16, 2024 (Saturday) @ Aberdeen Centre

Awards 獎項:

Champion 冠軍 | 1st Runner-Up 亞軍 | 2nd Runner-Up季軍 | Talent Award 才藝大獎 | People’s Choice 網上至 LIKE 大獎

Remarks 備註:

Training on stage performance, catwalk and speech will be provided to finalists 大會提供舞台表演、儀態及口才訓練予入圍參賽者

Information Hotline 查詢詳情: 


Download PDF Version 下載報名表格

If you are using Internet Explorer (Windows) to submit the application, the minimum version that works with this website is version 11.

2024 Little Sunshine Online Entry Form 網上報名表格

Contestant’s Information 参赛者資料

Chinese Name
English Name
Language Spoken
Stage Performance Experience
If yes, please specify
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all statements I have made in this Entry Form are complete and true and that all records are complete and unaltered. I acknowledge that failure to disclose and provide complete and accurate information may result in the disqualification from the contest. I have read and agreed to the rules and regulations.

Guardian’s Information 監護人資料

Chinese Name
English Name
Relationship w/ the Contestant
Day Phone Number
Night Phone Number
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all statements I have made in this Entry Form are complete and true and that all records are complete and unaltered. I acknowledge that failure to disclose and provide complete and accurate information may result in the disqualification from the contest. I have read and agreed to the rules and regulations.

上載 Upload

參賽者近照   A recent photo of Contestant (.jpg or .jpeg)

付款 Payment

網上以信用卡繳付加幣 $15 + 5% GST的報名費,請填上信用卡持有人之姓名及地址。 CAD $15 Application Fee + 5% GST payable online. Make sure the name and address are that of the credit card holder.

Fairchild Radio shall not be held responsible if the Contestant’s Entry Form and related materials cannot reach Fairchild Radio before deadline due to technical reasons such as internet performance. 如因網絡線路繁忙或其他技術原因,而令參賽者之參加表格及相關物件未能在截止日期前傳送到本台,本台概不負責。

Fairchild Radio shall retain the Contestant’s information for the purpose of coordinating the “2024 Little Sunshine”. All information shall be kept confidential and destroyed when the Event is completed. 加拿大中文電台將保存參賽者資料用作「2024 Little Sunshine」之用。所有資料將絕對保密並於比賽結束後銷毀。